Focus on the customer

Kvarken Ports works to ensure that you as a customer feel safe and well taken care of when you arrive at one of our ports in Umeå or Vaasa.
It should be easy to go to, arrive in or send and receive goods through the ports that Kvarken Ports manages. Here you will find various forms, documents, and other information. If there is something missing or if you need further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us.
It is important to know that the port is an area covered by the Maritime Security Act, which is based on the ISPS, International Ship and Port Security Code. The Maritime Security Act shall protect shipping against external threats. In short, this means special regulations on port facilities and ships to be complied with under the Act (2004:487).
Access to the port, therefore, requires completed (digital) training and an approved access application.
You can find a link to the digital training and access application form on the page Maritime security.
There is more information on Maritime Security also on the Swedish Transport Agency website: Maritime security/Port Security — Swedish Transport Agency

Customer service Umeå