
The entry time to Umeå port is very short, only 1 hour from the pilot station to the quay.

Kranar i hamnen

Umeå fairway currently handles a maximum draught of 11 metres (lightering only), or maximum draught to quay 10.2 m.

The maximum length of vessels authorised is 215 m.

Pilots are a must for all vessels over 90 m, but pilotage is also recommended for smaller vessels. Read more about pilotage services under Port Services and Pilotage and Towing.

Limits in sight

The following ships are limited by daylight, and at least one nautical mile sight.


Port of Umeå/dry load

Port of Umeå/ Energy quay

Obbola energy quay

Dödvikt >

25 000 tonnes

21 000 tonnes

17 000 tonnes


185 m

Djupgående >

9,2 m

9,0 m

9,0 m

Questions about the fairway in the port of Umeå?

Contact Marcus Wincent

Port Control Umeå

+46 70 511 22 78

Jakob Hardell, Kvarken Ports